
Robert Tamayo


Spanish Mondays: An Update with Little Progress

Primero, Lo Bueno

Lo bueno es que sigo escribiendo en espanol. Por eso, estoy contento. Tambien estoy leyendo en espanol cada dia. Leer es muy importante para aumentar el vocabulario.

Segundo, Lo Malo

Lo malo es que no estoy hablando espanol con mi esposa. No se por que. La verdad es qui me da pena hablar en espanol, y ademas es mas dificil que platicar en ingles.

Otro malo es que estoy leyendo muy poco. Cuando estaba aprendiendo mas rapido, leia muchos libros. Para aprender, lei los lobros de ficcion juvenil. Pero ahora, no estoy leyendo mas que una pagina por dia. No es suficiente para mejorar.

Esta semana, voy a doblar mis esfuerzas en aprender, leer, y hablar.

First, the Good

What's good is that I continue to write in Spanish. For that, I'm happy. I'm also reading in Spanish every day. Reading is very important for learning new vocubulary.

Second, the Bad

What's bad is that I'm not speaking Spanish with my wife every day. I don't know why. The truth is that it embarrasses me to speak in Spanish, and it's also more difficult than chatting in English.

Another bad thing is that I'm reading very little. When I was learning Spanish more quickly, I was reading a lot of books. For learning, I read youth fiction books. But now, I'm not reading more than a page a day. That's not enough to get better.

This week, I'm going to double my efforts in learning, reading, and speaking.
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