
Robert Tamayo


Spanish Mondays: Progress Report

La Semana Pasada

La semana pasada, decidi que escibiria en espanol los lunes. Tambien decidi que hablaria en espanol con mi esposa cada dia. Hoy, estoy escribiendo en espanol. Pero, la verdad es que no hable con mi esposa cada dia. Nada mas hable en espanol con ella unos dos o tres dias.

Esta ultima semana, trabaje mucho en mi videojuego. Acabo de terminar el diseno del tercer caracter, y ya empiezo con la cuarta. Estoy muy contento con el desarollo del videojuego.

Tambien tuve unos dias productivas en el gimnasio. Cumpli con unos dos metas. Ya estoy miembro del "1000 Pound Club". Ademas hice una sentadilla con barra de 365 libras. Fue una semana exitosa para la culturismo.

Pero, no hable espanol cada dia. No estoy decepsionado, pero no estoy contento. Esta semana, si voy a cumplir con mi meta de hablar en espanol cada dia.

Last Week

Last week, I decided I  would write in Spanish on Mondays. I also decided to speak Spanish with my wife every day. Today, I'm writing in Spanish. But, the truth is that I didn't talk with my wife in Spanish every day. I only talked with her in Spanish two or three days.

This past week, I did a lot of work on my video game. I just finished designing the third character, and I'm already starting on the fourth. I'm very happy with the development of the game.

I also had a few productive days in the gym. I reached two goals. Now I'm a member of the "1000 Pound Club". I also completed a 365 pound squat. It was a successful week for bodybuilding.

But, I didn't speak Spanish every day. I'm not disappointed, but I'm not happy. This week, I'm going to complete my goal of speaking Spanish every day.
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