
Robert Tamayo


Spanish Mondays: Reading in Spanish Pt 2

Leer en Espanol

Leer en espanol es la cosa que ha mejorado mi nivel de entender el idioma mas que nada. Si, es importante platicar con otras personas, pero leer me ha servido bien. Leer es una de las cosas mas imporantes que se puede hacer para mejorar la inteligencia del individuo en cualquier idioma. Aunque todavia tengo mucho que aprender, no me sorpresa que mi comprension de espanol ha aumentado tan rapido al empezar leer cada dia.

Reading in Spanish

Reading in Spanish is the thing that has improved my level of understanding the language more than anything. Yes, it's important to talk with other people, but reading has served me well. Reading is one the most important things one can do to improve the individual's intelligence in any language. Even though I still have much to learn, it doesn't surprise me that my understanding of the language has improved so quickly after starting to read every day.
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